Mr Barton Maths - Casio Calculators
Casio’s free support to teachers is ready made for you.

Mr Barton Maths x Casio

Supporting teachers and schools

Casio Education aim to support all UK schools and their teaching of mathematics.

Free to all UK and Ireland schools our support includes free software, training and resources.

Casio Classpad

Enhance classroom learning with new ClassPad emulator

Classpad is a web based teaching and learning environment that incorporates the ClassWiz emulator. helps users to understand mathematics visually by allowing intuitive, simple control of a variety of graphs, shape creation functions, statistics and calculations. It gives access to the ClassWiz range of calculators and a number of teaching and learning tools.

Casio emulator software operates and looks just like the calculator that you are used to. Teachers can explain new material using a projector or share their screen with students learning remotely.

Emulator software is brilliant for improving student engagement as problems can be worked through as a group on a large screen.

Casio fx-CG50 graphic calculator

Free fx-CG50 training

Master maths on the fx-CG50 with a free one-hour skills training session via Zoom.

By attending one of our training sessions, not only will you acquire key skills and gain confidence using the fx-CG50, our training session focuses on using the calculator for learning maths in an A-level topic. We’ll use applicable A-Level question demonstrations which you can use in your next class. Delivered by training experts who know the calculator inside out, we’ll teach you and up to four colleagues at a time of your choosing.

Free resources, made by teachers for teachers

Casio offer a large suite of resources available for UK schools and cover teaching with calculators alongside the most popular subject topics for GCSE and A Level.

Available as downloadable PDFs and videos – there is a handy collection of ‘How To’ resources and model specific content.  You can also create your own ‘collections’ in order to save your most useful downloads.

Supported pricing for schools on Casio Scientific and Graphic Calculators

Supported prices are available on the fx-CG50 Graphic Calculator and all Casio Scientific models. To order for your school, simply follow the account set-up procedure and we can get you started.

New ClassWiz. Boost your curiosity.

As technology changes so do your student’s expectations. New ClassWiz provides all the functions and features you trust, and now provides simple and easier navigation, faster processing and great new features.

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  • Graphing technology
  • Scientific calculators
  • Exams
  • Curriculum
  • Classroom
  • Students