Training - Graphic - Casio Calculators
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fx-CG50 training

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Casio fx-CG50 graphic calculator

Department Training
For Your School Only

Perfect for whole or partial department training for your own school on teaching with the fx-CG50.

A-Lewel student using the Casio fx-CG50 graphic calculator

Open School Training
For Solo Teachers

For individual teachers wanting to join alongside fellow teaching professionals from other schools, learning about teaching with the fx-CG50.

Examiner Rose Jewell talks about the Casio fx-CG50

Master maths on the fx-CG50

Graphical calculators are the perfect fit for post 16 and secondary learning, and it’s why you’ll increasingly spot the fx-CG50 in A-Level maths classes and some GCSE’s.

Not only will you acquire key skills and gain confidence using the fx-CG50, our training session focuses on using the calculator for learning maths in an A-level topic. We’ll use applicable A-Level question demonstrations which you can use in your next class. Delivered by training experts who know the calculator inside out, we’ll teach you and up to four colleagues at a time of your choosing.

Sign up for training today and join the growing number of teachers and schools going graphic.

A Level students using the Casio fx-CG50

Understand relationships, patterns and rules

“Instead of looking for the abstract we can move onto graphical representations much quicker and it saves the students a lot of time too.”

Enable experimentation

“Students can explore a lot more. They can change variables easily and plot the graph to try to look at a relationship, then try it algebraically.”

A-Lewel student using the Casio fx-CG50 graphic calculator

Stretch understanding

“It lets them play around with it, and very quickly they get an answer to something that is maybe beyond their current skillset.”

What will I learn?

Designed by teachers for teachers, these sessions offer an introduction to the fx-CG50, making them particularly well-suited for teachers who have never used the calculator before or who have only minimal experience with it. If, for example, you’ve gone as far as drawing a graph but not much further in terms of analysis or exploration, this training is for you.

What will I learn?

In its current form, our fx-CG50 training zeroes in on two key capabilities of the calculator that are essential for both you and your students: graphing and analysing functions, and solving equations numerically. These skills are explored within the context of a typical A-level equation, where you will learn how to utilise the fx-CG50’s SolveN functionality.

SolvN on the Casio fx-CG50 graphic calculator

What else can I expect to gain from the session?

Our training sessions are designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how calculators can support you in your teaching and help students improve their understanding. We always try to demonstrate how you can use the calculator to approach example questions in a couple of different ways.

Can I ask questions?

Absolutely! The training sessions are fully interactive and we actively encourage participants to ask questions and request clarification when they need it. The sessions take place in relatively small groups – no more than ten people – to ensure everyone can make their voice heard.

GCSE students using the Casio fx-CG50 graphing calculator

Engage students

Keep them more engaged by enabling them to change the questions and explore what happens when elements are altered.

Everyone learns at their own pace

Don’t tie maths lessons to ‘when the computer room is available’.

Students using the Casio fx-CG50 in the classroom

Improve results

In a test at Hamstead Hall Academy, one student achieved 10 more marks with the fx-CG50 than they achieved without it – a huge difference that could lead to a higher grade.

Product webinars for you and your students

Our webinars are designed to equip both teachers and students with the essential knowledge and skills to maximise the benefits of our products. Participants will gain valuable insights, practical tips, and expert guidance to enhance teacher and learning.

Discover free resources for the fx-CG50

Our resources centre provides lots of fx-CG50 resources in various formats including video and downloadable pdfs to help get you started or help you to enhance your skillset.

There are curated ‘popular’ resources, ‘how to’ sections, calculator model by model resources, as well as guidance on which level of curriculum they relate to.

Interested in delving deeper? Header over to our resource centre to discover more.

Reference Leaflet
fx-CG50 Quick Start Guide

Overview of the menu functions of the fx-CG50 with examples for the key apps. Co…

See Resource
Reference Leaflet
Getting Started with the fx-CG50

From the main menu you can select various options which will take you to screens…

See Resource
Reference Leaflet
Important Keys on the fx-CG50

Discover the important keys and how to use them. Know the effect of different re…

See Resource

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  • Graphing technology
  • Scientific calculators
  • Exams
  • Curriculum
  • Classroom
  • Students