New ClassWiz.
Keep up to date!
We have free webinars for teachers, support videos and resources and will continue to provide updates and resources for the new ClassWiz series over the coming months.
Sign up below to register for a webinar or for updates on our latest New ClassWiz support for teachers and students.
ClassWiz Quickstart guide
Get started on new ClassWiz with our short intro guide video. It covers navigating the new menus and keys, introductions to quick maths and functionality, and the new features available on ClassWiz.
ClassWiz Webinar (recording)
Adapted from our ClassWiz webinar series, our familiarisation video explores popular functions on the new CW ClassWiz range. The focus for this training was to show how the calculator is navigated rather than look at concepts for a particular level or course.
If you would like to register for a future webinar – register today
Resources for New ClassWiz
A selection of transition videos designed to help make the switch from GTX/EX models to the new CW series.
New ClassWiz: Key changes – fx-83GTCW and fx-85GTCW. What’s changed?…
New ClassWiz: key changes – fx-991CW What’s changed? Apps, Navigatio…
New ClassWiz: Maths Functions – fx-83GTCW-fx-85GTCW What’s changed? …
New ClassWiz: Maths Functions – fx-991CW What’s changed? Maths Func…
New ClassWiz: Number and Calculations – fx-83GTCW and fx-85GTCW What’…
Skills Resources for New ClassWiz
The intended audience and use for these videos are those outlined in the JMC report on Maths technology:
- For Teachers and Students looking for support on their calculator
- For Teachers to be able to show these videos in class as part of lessons
How to reset the calculator, with options for resetting variable memory or not. …
How to format answers in different ways as fractions, decimals, prime factors an…
How to calculate fractions and recurring decimals, and change the answer format …
How to calculate more advanced fractions including calculations within a fractio…
How to create a table of values for plotting a graph. We plot y=2x+1 and also sh…
Teaching Resources for ClassWiz
A selection of teaching resources for ClassWiz calculators.
Each resource is given in 2 formats, as a powerpoint (for classroom teaching) and printable worksheets. The answers and instructions are within the powerpoint. Each resource indicates the appropriate calculator and level.
fx-83GT CW and fx-85GT CW teaching resources for KS3 and Foundation GCSE. Each r…
fx-991CW teaching resources for higher GCSE. Each resource is given in 2 formats…
Teaching resources focusing on Cross Number for fx-83GT CW and fx-85GT CW calcul…
Teachers and students share their views on new ClassWiz calculators
The new ClassWiz range of scientific calculators have been in classrooms now for a full year, bringing major redesigns and feature upgrades to the fx-83GT CW, fx-85GT CW, and fx-991CW. We know adjusting to new tools can be challenging, so we’re excited to hear how teachers and students are adapting and what they think of the updates after a year of use.
Interactive manuals
We have developed a fully interactive online manual for every model in the ClassWiz range. The interactive element means you and your students can click on any key on your chosen calculator to open a new page that explains the key and what it does. As well as enabling quick and efficient understanding of specific functionality, pages from the manual can be copied and pasted to use as teaching slides and reference documents.
We’ve created a fully interactive online manual for the fx-83GT CW and fx-85GT…
See ResourceWe’ve developed a fully interactive online manual for the fx-991CW ClassWiz sc…
See ResourceAre you a teacher?
We offer a range of free learning resources to support teachers. We’ve got your curriculum covered.
Are you a student or parent?
A scientific calculator is a minimum requirement for maths students at key stage 4, as they embark on deeper explorations of concepts including algebra, graphs, quadratic equations and statistics.
Register for your Calculator policy
To help you communicate calculator use in your school, we have developed some calculator policy templates for you to share with students and parents.
Introducing New ClassPad
Classpad is a web based teaching and learning environment that incorporates the ClassWiz emulator. helps users to understand mathematics visually by allowing intuitive, simple control of a variety of graphs, shape creation functions, statistics and calculations.
Supported pricing for UK schools
Casio provide supported pricing available for UK schools and educational institutions participating in our programmes.