Curriculum - Casio Calculators


Our calculators support a variety of UK and Ireland curriculum, as well as the International Baccalaureate. Find out the most suited product for your study as well as links to supporting resources and information.

Students using the ClassWiz calculators

GCSE | Scientific calculators
get you started

Your students will need a scientific calculator for trigonometry and statistics. All our scientific calculators have natural display (for example showing fractions with a numerator and denominator) and are permitted in GCSE exams. 

Students using the Casio fx-CG50 graphic calculator

A-Level | Graphing devices for
greater depth

The DfE require that; the use of technology, in particular mathematical and statistical graphing tools and spreadsheets, must permeate the study of A Level mathematics. Graphing calculators facilitate this and are allowed in A Level calculator exams.

Students learning with fx-CG50 calculator

IB | When graphing is required

Students will require a graphical calculator. The choice depends on the level of sophistication in calculation and graph display. Many teachers opt for the fx-CG50 as it is competitive on price and highly functional.

Exams Eligibility

Find out which calculators are eligible for your school or institution’s chosen curriculum examinations. Casio Calculators are approved for all UK and Ireland calculator exams.

Gographic logo


Why are teachers going graphic? Because complex maths is faster, alongside improved student understanding, experimentation and engagement.


  • Graphing technology
  • Scientific calculators
  • Exams
  • Curriculum
  • Classroom
  • Students