Case Studies
Find out what teachers and students have to say about their experiences of using the fx-CG50 in the classroom
Teachers and students across the UK are discovering the benefits of the fx-CG50
Explore our case studies and hear how the fx-CG50 is making the teaching and learning of maths easier, but also faster, deeper and fun! Learn how teachers have implemented graphic calculators and how they use them to address teaching challenges.
Find out what teachers and students have to say about their experiences of using the full colour fx-CG50 graphic calculator in the classroom.
- Oxted School
- Hamstead Hall Academy
- Highcliffe School

“Students are very used to using Casio calculators so… they know roughly where a lot of the buttons are anyway.”
Lorraine Bennett
KS5 Coordinator for Maths, Oxted School

“They gave us a bit more scope for development in the way that we teach.”
Daniel Crowhurst
Head of Maths, Oxted School

“We wanted to take a new approach to teaching, which involved the graphic calculator specifically”
Steven Stodart
Deputy Head of Maths, Oxted School

“Before we’ve looked very much at the mechanics of what the calculator can do to make everything quicker and simpler whereas now we are looking at it as a tool to develop the experience and really develop the understanding rather than just a basic calculation tool.”
Daniel Crowhurst
Head of Maths
Oxted School

“The fact that students can verify and check answers on the calculators means they start believing in themselves, so we’ve seen a change in the culture within the Maths Department.”
Melios Michael
Head of Maths, Hamstead Hall Academy

“Casio is ideal in terms of pushing the innovation that we strive for across the whole school and particularly the Maths Department.”
Jonathan Mortimer
Executive Principal, Hamstead Hall Academy

“They can essentially leave an exam and they know full well they’ve got a certain amount of marks in the bag.”
Eleri Golledge
Maths Teacher, Hamstead Hall Academy

“My learners, who are less confident in attempting a hard problem, can visualize it when using the graphic calculator. It gives them an entry onto the onto the problem.”
Eleri Golledge
Maths Teacher
Hamstead Hall Academy

“I think the initial training helped to form our decision, because we all had seen it before and when the year kind of started we knew sort of what they looked like and the functionality that they did.”
Steve Cooper
Director of Learning (Maths), Highcliffe School

“I think the training and the loan set really did help otherwise we would have really been very much in the dark about what it was and whether we would have been willing to go for it or not.”
Rachel Chipchase
Assistant Director of Learning (Maths), Highcliffe School

“I think their confidence today definitely grew.”
Jess Kelly
Assistant Director of Learning (Maths KS4), Highcliffe School

“They [the students] were quite excited for them to be honest. I used to use it in my year 11 lesson last year, when I had a top set year 11, so when I would get it out there was interest they were looking at it like “oh can I have a look” and so when it came to the fact about buying them, they just did.”
Jess Kelly
Assistant Director of Learning (Maths KS4)
Highcliffe School