Calculators - Casio Calculators
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fx-CG50 Graphic Calculator

For Advanced Level Students

Graphic Calculators

Advanced level graphing calculators available in full colour or monochrome display. Perfect for A Level, Higher and IB study and those looking to develop problem solving and maths exploration at GCSE or equivalent.


A-Level Further Maths GCSE IB

Full colour display for advanced level students

The fx-CG50 is our most advanced Graphic Calculator approved by UK exam boards. Its functionality is a perfect fit from GCSE to A-level Maths, Further Maths and IB.


A-Level Further Maths GCSE IB

Advanced level functions with black and white display

The fx-9860GIII Mono Graphic Calculator is our entry-level graphic calculator, packed with features and a super-clear black and white display.

Looking to buy for your school?

Casio offer special pricing for schools on selected graphic and scientific calculators.
Visit our procurement section to find out more.

Scientific Calculators

Our class leading models available for students beginning their mathematical journey or progressing to more advanced levels


A-Level Further Maths GCSE

fx-85GT CW

A-Level Further Maths GCSE IB Ireland JC & LC

fx-83GT CW

A-Level Further Maths GCSE IB Ireland JC & LC

Ready to go graphic?

Why are teachers going graphic? Because complex maths is faster, alongside improved student understanding, experimentation and engagement.

Graphical calculators are the perfect fit for post 16 and secondary learning, and it’s why you’ll increasingly spot the fx-CG50 in A-Level maths classes and some GCSE’s.

Sign up for training today and join the growing number of teachers and schools going graphic.

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Looking to stock the classroom?

Join our programmes to benefit from support pricing exclusively available to UK schools on selected graphic and scientific calculators.

Casio emulator software, fx-CG50


Emulators are available for all current calculators and recent discontinued graphic calculators.

Comparison Chart

Casio offer a range of calculators for the large variety of maths, science and engineering courses across the United Kingdom and Ireland.

Archived Products

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