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what IF?

“ If all students had access to a graphing calculator then mathematical learning would improve and they could perform to their potential in exams. ”

What if? All your students had access to a graphics calculator? 

Are you looking to implement graphic technology in your maths department? Are you a teacher that is sceptical or undecided on graphing calculators? Perhaps you believe in their value but struggle to convince your colleagues and leadership team?

We spoke with four mathematicians with wide teaching experience and use of graphing technology, to find out why they believe so passionately in the benefits to teaching and learning through use of graphic calculators.

Bernard Murphy
Maths Teacher & Education Support Specialist

“Students really benefit from
having this technology –
throughout the two years, not
just in the exam. ”

Rose Jewell
AMSP Area Coordinator & Senior Examiner

“That’s a great mathematician question, what if…
and on your calculator you can find out what if really quickly. The calculator will keep up with you, and you can really enhance learning with that.”

Rhiannon Rainbow
Improvement Lead & ECT Coordinator

“We looked at SEN and PP funding
options for disadvantaged students.
Before we knew it all our A-Level
students had bought the graphical
calculators too. ”

Melios Michael
Assistant Headteacher

“We needed the support of the
SLT to back the vision and use of
other budgets, such as SEN and
pupil premium. ”

Want hear more from and learn more about how graphic calculators can help all students and teachers? Request a graphic resource pack by completing the form below.

Free resources

Casio offer a large suite of resources available for UK schools and cover teaching with calculators alongside the most popular subject topics for GCSE and A Level.

Training and loan sets

Our dedicated training and loan schemes
help teachers get comfortable with graphic
calculators and make it easier for schools and
students to afford them.

Emulator Software

Want to share graphical thinking with your class?
Download free Casio emulator software that
looks and functions exactly like our handheld

Looking to stock the classroom?

Join our programmes to benefit from support pricing exclusively available to UK schools on selected graphic and scientific calculators.


  • Graphing technology
  • Scientific calculators
  • Exams
  • Curriculum
  • Classroom
  • Students