Campaign - GoGraphic - Casio Calculators
When Did Maths Get This Easy?

Empower learning through graphing technology

Casio Education supports UK schools with industry-leading graphing calculators

6 reasons why graphing calculators are empowering student learning

  1. Understand relationships, patterns and rules

    “Instead of looking for the abstract we can start to get into graphical representations much quicker and it saves the students quite a lot of time as well.”

  2. Enable experimentation

    “Students can explore a lot more, they can change their variables easily, they might plot the graph to try to look at a relationship before then trying to do it algebraically and kind of look at it that way around.”

  3. Stretch understanding

    “It lets them play around with it so much, and very quickly get an answer to something that is maybe beyond their current skill set”

  4. Engage students

    “It keeps them more engaged by enabling them to change the questions and look at what happens when altering certain elements.”

  5. Everyone learns at their own pace

    “It means that we don’t have to tie maths lessons to – when the computer room is available”.

  6. Improve results

    In a test at Hamstead Hall Academy,.. “One student achieved 10 more marks with the fx-CG50 than they achieved without it – a huge difference that could lead to a higher grade”.

Master maths on the fx-CG50 with a free one-hour skills training session via Zoom

Graphical calculators are the perfect fit for post 16 and secondary learning, and it’s why you’ll increasingly spot the fx-CG50 in A-Level maths classes and some GCSE’s.

Not only will you acquire key skills and gain confidence using the fx-CG50, our training session focuses on using the calculator for learning maths in an A-level topic. We’ll use applicable A-Level question demonstrations which you can use in your next class. Delivered by training experts who know the calculator inside out, we’ll teach you and up to four colleagues at a time of your choosing.

Sign up for training today and join the growing number of teachers and schools going graphic.

Product webinars for students and teachers

Our webinars are designed to empower both teachers and students with the knowledge and skills needed to make the most of our products. Sign up below.

What Teachers And Students Are Saying About The CG50

“The fact that students can verify and check answers on the calculators means they start believing in themselves, so we’ve seen a change in the culture within the Maths Department.”

Melios Michael

Head of Maths, Hamstead Hall Academy

“Before we’ve looked very much at the mechanics of what the calculator can do to make everything quicker and simpler whereas now we are looking at it as a tool to develop the experience and really develop the understanding rather than just a basic calculation tool.”

Daniel Crowhurst

Head Of Maths, Oxted School

“Casio is ideal in terms of pushing the innovation that we strive for across the whole school and particularly the Maths Department.”

Jonathan Mortimer

Executive Principal
Hamstead Hall Academy

“Students are very used to using Casio calculators so… they know roughly where a lot of the buttons are anyway.”

Lorraine Bennett

KS5 Coordinator for Maths
Oxted School

Discover our case studies

How training will benefit you?

Our skills training is run by teaching experts who know the fx-CG50 inside-out, to ensure you:

Acquire key skills and gain cofidence

Learn how to use the calculator for learning maths in an A-level topic.

Learn the most-used functions on the calculator, including graphs 

Discover how to use the fx-CG50 for learning

A new calculator generation

Empowering learning through graphing technology helps students to understand relationships, patterns and rules.  Students are better enabled to experiment and stretch their understanding.

Everyone learns at their own pace, yet the use of graphic calculators means students stay more engaged and curious learners.  The best part – we know you will see improved results.


  • Graphing technology
  • Scientific calculators
  • Exams
  • Curriculum
  • Classroom
  • Students