Are you ready for exam time?

Are you ready for exam time?

Feb 2022 Medium Read: 3 Min

Are you ready for exam time?

After two years of disruption, A-Level and GCSE exams are back. Have you got everything you need to prepare your students to succeed? If you were not already aware, we have free training available for teachers to help build confidence in using and teaching with the fx-CG50.  We also have a huge resources centre, which is a perfect tool for supporting you and providing opportunities to help with student revision and exam preparations.

Helping students to prepare for A-levels and GCSEs and means having the right equipment. In this article, we’ll look at how you can prepare your students to sit these critical exams, as well as the Casio calculators that will help them succeed at A-level or GCSE maths.

Be prepared – check your students have the right calculator for their exams

You already know that the earlier you start getting students prepared for exams, the more confident they will be on the day. The same is true for their calculator.
Check their calculators are eligible for the exam they are sitting. Here is a quick checklist to help with exam preparation:

  1. Confirm if the calculator model is eligible for the qualifications. You can check eligibility for all Casio calculators here.
  2. If your calculator has an examination mode, it’ll make life easier for invigilators. Get your students familiar with putting their calculators in examination mode so they’re not left feeling unprepared on exam day.


If you’re teaching maths at A-level and your students are about to sit exams, they should already be familiar with graphical calculators. If not, it’s an essential purchase before they walk into that exam hall.

Maths is a highly visual subject, and seeing a mathematical problem as more than just a set of numbers and calculations can make it much easier to solve. When you have a graphing calculator, you have a significant advantage when learning and sitting exams.

In Further Maths A-Level, students have to deal with complex numbers and new types of graphs, as well as advanced probability distributions. Students will soon find that a graphical calculator is pretty much essential, not just a nice one to have.


A basic scientific calculator is a minimum requirement for exams. The fx-83GTX is the minimum-specification calculator for GCSE, and it has all the functionality your students require for their exams. However, a more advanced model such as the fx-991EX will give your students advantages for learning and in the exam, for example, with solving equations. Both calculators are allowed in GCSE exams.

Students who want to progress their maths studies further and study it at A-level could even take the next step and invest in a graphical calculator like the Casio fx-CG50. This is permitted in GCSE exams.

Good luck!

Schools have to prepare for exams to happen as planned, but if the last few years have shown us anything, the unexpected can happen. If any change comes, you can still keep your students motivated – and use Casio calculators to keep them engaged in learning.

If you’re preparing your classes for exams this summer, we wish you the best of luck. With the right amount of preparation and the best equipment, you give your students the greatest chance of success.

From the beginning to the end of your school career (and beyond), the Casio family of scientific and graphical calculators can help your student better understand mathematics and achieve the results they deserve.