Answers to 7 FAQs about the Casio fx-CG50

The Casio fx-CG50 graphic calculator is the most advanced handset in our range and a powerful learning tool for GCSE, A-level and International Baccalaureate students.
We often receive queries from teachers about the fx-CG50, the best ways to use it and what sets it apart from our other calculators.
In this blog, you’ll find answers to seven of these frequently asked questions, as well as information about other useful tools and resources to help you take full advantage of this device.
1. Why should I upgrade from a scientific calculator to the fx-CG50?
This is a common and understandable question from teachers who are comfortable using scientific calculators, particularly when powerful devices like the fx-991CW offer so much of the functionality needed for secondary studies all the way up to A-level.
The most obvious benefit of the fx-CG50 is its graphing functionality, which unlocks new, more visually engaging ways for students to explore problems and make connections between algebraic and graphical methods.
When we put this question to mathematician and fx-CG50 trainer Simon May, he was also keen to highlight the calculator’s additional functionality, especially the Distribution app. This gives you the ability not only to calculate probabilities, but to graph discrete and continuous distributions, which is particularly useful for hypothesis testing and for strengthening overall understanding of a potentially tricky topic.
2. How will the fx-CG50 improve my lessons?
Lesson planning and delivery are very much the teacher’s domain, but from a technology perspective, we’ve seen and heard how the functionality of the fx-CG50 can boost engagement in the classroom and encourage exploratory, collaborative learning.
Having access to graphic calculators means that, rather than simply standing in front of your students and presenting, you can encourage them to take an active role in their own education.
When learning new topics in the curriculum or approaching questions that lead you to as-yet unexplored functionality on the calculator, you can learn it together.
We offer lots of resources to help you plan how to use the fx-CG50 in your lessons and take full advantage of it, including worksheets, short videos and ‘how to’ guides. They are all freely available on our website.
3. How long does it take to learn the fx-CG50?
The answer to this question really depends on how deep you want to go into the fx-CG50’s functionality, which is extensive.
It’s important to note that, to use the calculator and benefit from it, you don’t need to be an expert in everything it can do. An introductory training session and just a few hours of experimentation should be sufficient to grasp the basics, such as solving equations and plotting graphs.
A common approach we often see teachers taking is starting out with a fundamental understanding of the calculator’s operations, and slowly expanding their skill set as they work through the curriculum and naturally discover new functions.
4. What should I do if I have problems with the calculator?
We’ve built an extensive online library of more than 300 resources dedicated specifically to the fx-CG50. If you’re looking for help with a particular operation or function on the calculator, there’s a good chance you’ll find it here.
You can also visit the contact us page on our website to send us a message with details of your query and any issues you’re having. A member of our customer services team will be happy to help.
Another useful resource is the fx-CG50 full user’s guide, which provides an exhaustive breakdown of the calculator’s operations and applications.
5. Can the fx-CG50 be used in exams?
Yes, and this is a very important point to stress: the fx-CG50 (and indeed all Casio calculators) is approved by examination boards and can be taken into any GCSE or A-level maths exam where calculator use is permitted.
In fact, this is one of the most significant benefits that set our handsets apart from many other learning tools. Unlike online platforms, smartphone apps or desktop software, students can take their Casio calculators into exams, meaning they can apply all the skills they have learned when it matters most.
We recommend that students put the fx-CG50 into exam mode, which is a quick way to show invigilators that they don’t have anything on the calculator that shouldn’t be there, such as previously saved data.
You can find out more about using calculators in exams by taking a look at these FAQs from the Joint Council for Qualifications.
6. Is there a way for me to try the fx-CG50?
Our recommendation if you’re interested in giving the fx-CG50 a try and getting a feel for some of its basic functionality is to sign up for a training session.
They’re designed for people with limited or no experience of using the calculator, completely free and led by experts, who will be available to answer any questions you might have.
If you don’t have access to an fx-CG50, contact us before your training session to see how we can help.
7. Where can I find answers to more technical questions about the fx-CG50?
We have a dedicated FAQs page on our website, which provides answers to common questions about our scientific and graphic calculators, as well as more general mathematical queries.
Here you can find answers to some of the more technical FAQs about the fx-CG50 including:
- How do I change from radian mode to degree mode?
- Can I connect my calculator to a PC?
- Does the fx-CG50 come with a USB cable?
- Can I display more than one statistical graph at a time?
- Why does the display on my calculator look dark?
We’re always on hand to answer any other questions you might have about our calculators, so please contact us if you have a query that isn’t answered elsewhere.